Records Management of Awareness Program for Records Management

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  • To conduct official inspection and advisory visits to registry and records centre in Sarawak State Government departments and agencies
  • To ensure the departments and the agencies under Sarawak State Government properly manage public records before it reaches 25 years old as cited in Sarawak State Library Ordinances Section 14 (1)(d)
  • To provide consultation and guidelines pertaining to public records transfer and disposal
  • Provide advice and guidance on all aspects of records management to government departments and other public bodies on the management of records through briefing and talk
  • To undertake training and workshop programs in records management for state government agencies
  • To facilitate best practice in records management in government agencies
  • To equip government agencies staff with a range of skills required for management of records throughout their life cycle

Awareness programs on records management is stipulated under Section 14(1) (d) of the Sarawak State Library Ordinance 1999. The awareness programs including:

1. Inspection and Advisory Visit
2. Briefing to departments/agencies
3. Workshop/training to department
4. Conference and Seminar

The process to conduct awareness program :
1. Identification of awareness program

  • At the beginning of the year, the Head of Division (HOD) shall identified departments/agencies for awareness based on agency profile and also Report of previous program.

2. Planning and scheduling

  • Planning involved process to identify method and type of awareness program to be deliver to the departments/agencies based on their needs and requirements.
  • Once the planning is completed, the schedule for execution of the awareness program will be prepare in Records management annual plan.

3. Execution of awareness program

  • Letter to the departments/agencies will be send to notify the awareness program that will be conducted.
  • Officer will do the preparation for the awareness program according to plan.