Special Needs Group

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Special needs been defined as the special or unique, out-of-the-ordinary concerns created by a person's medical, physical, mental, or developmental condition or disability. Additional services are usually needed to help a person in one or more of the following areas, among others, thinking, communication, movement, getting along with others, and taking care of self.

Pustaka provide a lifelong education for children and adults with multiple developmental disabilities and special health care needs. In all programs, Pustaka committed to assisting those with special needs to live as fully and independently as each is able in the richness of community life.

Pustaka has equipped a dedicated Special Needs Room with facilities to enable this group to use various information resources available at Pustaka.Staff are creative, caring and highly competent professionals and paraprofessionals dedicated to supporting those we assist to become all they can be.

Special Needs Services

  • Special Needs Equipments are available for use at the Special Needs Room at ground floor PUSTAKA.
  • Collections are available on topics related to Special Needs Groups at the Multi Media Galeri™.
  • Entitled for free use of the Discussion Rooms. However, subject to availability and booking procedure.
  • Eligible to request for a bibliography or listing of Special Needs collection or subject area.

Activities available

  • Video screening
  • Community talks
  • Information Literacy Classes
  • Educational competitions & games, etc.