Issue number 1048 - Sarawak Gazette, Thursday, January 2, 19412231
ENGAGEMENT : - Peach - Houghton - Local as Personal - Sarawaks War Contributions To date - The Point of Sacrifice - The Peoples Inheritance - Make This Your New Year Resolution - The Laughter of Fools - Theres A Nazi Airfield in England - Auxiliary Fireman Cross is Carrying On - A.A Guners in Training - Declines of Fascism - Dutch Indies GBP27, 500, 000 for Defence - Our Fighter are Tough Stuff - News from Malaya - Notification of Air Raid Casualties - Rubber in War -Time - Letters from Home - Sarawak War Effort Fund and China Relief Fund - SARAWAK (FIRST) LOTTERY in aid of THE WAR EFFORT FUND - MALAYA PATRIOTIC FUND-Womens Section - Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patiotic Fund - Malaya Patriotic Fund, Sarawak Branch, Third Division -Astana Vegetables - Padi Planting - Sylvia Cinema - Sarawak Library -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Kuching Rotary Club, Clubs News-
SECOND DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FIFTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, King Market Price List -
Issue number 1049 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, February 1, 19412764
Acknowledgement - Local and Personal - Obituary - Visits And Inspections By His Highness The Rajah during 1940 - Sarawak War Contributions To-date - Surplus Funds to be invested in War Loan - War Effort Fund - America And The War - New Years Eve - Should Britain Fail - This Just Peace - An Act of Defense - Installation of the Datu Pahlawan - An Act of Courage - Grand Fancy Bazaar in aid of the China Relief and Malaya Patriotic Funds - Letters From Home - Sarawak (FIRST) Lottery-RESULTS - True Stories - Food, Drinks and Health in the Tropics - Lighting Up Time - Sylvia Cinema - Revised Postage Rates -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, Tobacco Fund, Kuching Rotary Club, Sarawak St. Andrew Society, Sarawak Turf Club-Race Meetins, 1941, Clubs News, -
SECOND DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Sarawak Branch (Third Division) Malaya Patriotic Fund -
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FIFTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
Correspondence : Malaya Patriotic Fund, Sarawak Branch, Third Division - War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John of Jerusalem - Meluan War Effort - Derma Setia Tanah Melayu Chawangan Sarawak (Pihak Melayu di-Kuching) - Kuching Market Price List -
Issue number 1050 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, March 1, 19412311
Local and Personal - Sarawaks War Contributions to date - New Sarawak Gift to Imperial Treasury - Man of the Year - The American Point of View - R.A.F. Crew (Back From Dead) after Greece Adventure - More True Stories - A War Record of Former Sarawak Residents - Old (Gazettes) - Retirement of Captain .C. Benfield - A Dayak Trading Company - British-owned Property in France and Belgium - An Appeal for Volunteers for A.R.P. Service - Reduced Air Mail Rates - Malaya Patriotic Fund-Womens Section - Pending Anchorage-Sylvia Cinema-Sarawak Library - Lighting Up Time -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, Clubs News, Sarawak Turf Club-Provisional Programme -
SECOND DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Inauguration of the (Rex) Theatre at Sibu, Sarawak Branch (Third Division) Malaya Patriotic Fund -
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FIFTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
Correspondence : The Point of Sacrifice - Kuching Market Price List -
Issue number 1051 - Sarawak Gazette, Tuesday, April 1, 19412423
Birth : - Wee
Engagement : - Chong-Tsen
Death : - Kali
Acknowledge - Local and Personal - Proclamation Ceremony in the Astana Grounds - Address by His Highness the Rajah of Sarawak - Proclamation - Reply of the Committee of Administration - Reply by the Honourable the Datu Patinggi - Centenary- Installation of Three New Datus - Sarawak War Contributions To-date - War effort Fund- Planning for Peace - The American Point of View - Dutch Colonies War Effort - None of our Aircraft is Missing - Believe it or Not- Sir Percy Cunynghame - Riview of the Passive Defence Services by His Highness the Rajah - A.R.P. Practice by The Borneo Company - Appeal - Malaya Patriotic Fund- Sarawak Library - Sylvia Cinema - Lighting Up Time -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Jack and Jill Raffle, Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, Traffic Regulations-Spring Meeting, 1941, Sarawak Turf Club-Handicaps, Clubs News, Jubilee Recreation Ground Fund-Accounr, 1941-
SECOND DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Malaya Patriotic Fund(Third Division), Island Club, Sibu -
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FIFTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
Correspondence : Kuching Market Price List -
Issue number 1052 - Sarawak Gazette, Thursday, May 1, 19412547
Acknowledge -Local and Personal -Obituary -Sarawak War Contributions To-date -An Agricultural Policy for Sarawak -The American Point of View -Colonel Donovan Surveys the European Situation -Invasion 1808 and 1941 -Shorts -Wedding of Mr. D. R. Lascelles and Miss Joy Burr -Selamat Pengantin Baru -Incendiary Bomb Demonstration -The London Office -Sarawak Boys join the Navy -Sarawak Badminton Player enters all Malayan Championships -Appeal -Lighting Up Time -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Sarawak Union Club, Kuching, Sarawak Turf Club Spring Meeting-Results, Unlimited Cash Sweep-Results, Owners, Ponies and Horses, Jockeys, Sarawak Turf Club-Annual General Meeting, Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, Clubs News, Sarawak Turf Club-Provisional Programme -
SECOND DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Island Club, Sibu -
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
Correspondence : Kuching Market Price List -
Issue number 1053 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, June 2, 19412097
Acknowledge -Local and Personal -Sarawak War Contributions To-date - The American Point of View - J.B.A - 60-hour A.R.P. Practice in Kuching - Empire Day Massage - Proclamation Day 1941 - Highlight on German Mythology - Export of Food to the United Kingdom by Post - Gifts of Parcels - Shorts - London Under Bombardment - Notice - The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China - Lighting Up Time - Sarawak Library -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, Kuching Rotary Club, Sarawak Turf Club-Unclaimed Prizes, Clubs News,-
SECOND DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Island Club, Sibu -
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FIFTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
Correspondence : Tobacco Fund - Malayan government War Savings Certificates - Kuching Market Price List
Issue number 1054 - Sarawak Gazette, Tuesday, July 1, 19412934
Engagement : - Abang Bohan - Dayang Ainee - Death : - Scott - Acknowledge - Local and Personal - Where Is It? - Sea Power In Action - The Royal Air Force and the Greek Campaign - Obituary - Sarawak Subject Killed By Enemy Action - To - Night at Nine - Thirty - Shorts - London Calling - Cold Storage and The Cooking of Foods so as to Secure Maximum Food Value - Notice - Airmail Service to U.S.A Great Britain, etc., By Pan American Airways - Boys of 14 Shoot Down a Bomber - Nazis Lit Up Base To Guide R.A.F. - Go West, Young Man - East Indies War Effort - Sarawak War Contributions To date -Sarawak s Contribution To The China Relief Fund - Lighting Up Time -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, S. Thomas School Annual Sports, Rubber Fund Scholarships, Persatuan Melayu Sarawak, Pemberi Tahu, Bau Sports Meeting, Entertainment committee for H.M. Forces in Sarawak - Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, Sarawak Turf Club-July Meeting, 1941, Traffic Regulations-July Meeting, 1941, Clubs News,-
SECOND DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FIFTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
Correspondence : War Taxation - Kuching Market Price List -
Issue number 1055 - Sarawak Gazette, Friday, August 1, 19412077
Editorial - Local And Personal - Malaya Patriotic Fund - Sarawak War Contribution To Date - Our Problematic Islanders in The Blitz - Sarawak Contribution to The China Relief Fund - War Savings Certificates - War Effort - The Strangest Sale in The World - War Savings Certificates Sold in June - Sarawak Volunteer Force - Retreat Played by a Famous Indian Regiment - Little Sir Echo - Gems - Britain Bombs by Day - V - Paris Plastered with Anti Nazi Slogans - Potato Beetles - Nine Hours in Enemy Port - German Exaggeration - Britain Lead In Air Design - Nazi Map of Slave States - City Carries On -Vegetable Gardening In Malaya - How Chelsea Suffered - Humbug - Exiles in Arms -The Allies Speak - 8000 Old Infirm Killed in Germany-Says Bishop - Girls Hold the A.F.S. Lines - Spring Song - The Cost of Beating Hitler - Not So Confident - Credit Balance, 1941, up to April 30th - Extracts from Letters Received By Our Readers - India War Effort - The Allies and The War : Pointers - Milwaukee Hears Kuching - Happiness None Can Destoy - Forthcoming Centenary Celebrations - Errata - Retirement of Abang Suleiman, Datu Amar, c.s.s. -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Sarawak Turf Club-Successful Meeting-Results Unlimited Cash Sweep-Results, Clubs News, Kuching Amateur Football Association League, Kuching -
SECOND DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports - Strange Phenomenon Observed in The Kalaka District
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Death of Father Klerk - Salvage Collection To Aid The War
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
Correspondence : Blast You!! - An Appeal - Propaganda Films - Senior Cambridge Examinations - The Recent Grand Fancy Bazaar In Kuching - Sarawak War Tax - Bicycles - Grand Fancy Bazaar (9th and 10th January, 1941) Entertainment Committee for H.M. Forces in Sarawak - Lighting Up Time - Kuching Market Price List -
Issue number 1056 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, September 1, 19412876
Birth :- Abang Abdul Latip - Marriage :- Liem-Chan -Death :- Madam Chua Hiang Tee - Acknowledgments - Local and Personal - Her Highness the Ranee Returns To Sarawak - Editors Notice - Sudden Death Of Mr. H.B. Crocker - The Late Mrs. P.M. Scott - Death Of Dayang Sham ah - Retirement Of The Datu Menteri - Sarawak War Contributions Todate - Laugh this one off, Adolph - Dr.Tan Sim Poh retires - Visit of an M.C.S Officer - Entertainment for H.M.Forces - Padi Cultivation In Sarawak - Bakar Bin Drahman - Malay Marriage - Rubber Quota - Another Black Out in Kuching - The Indian Army - Spitfire Pilot - War Slang - Three Bandongs Lost Of Igan - Truth is Slower than Fiction - Recruiting Parade in Kuching - Germany Hides Her Scars - Pluto-Democracy - Gems - How Heroes saved Tankers Oil In Jervis Bay Fight Described - Germans Destroy Cavell Monument - More News from Spain - Deserts of Hatred - Well! Well! - The Home Guard at Buckingham Palace - Canada War Record - Volunteer Firemen at Work - Cardinal Hinsley Tribute to New Zealand - War Savings Certificates - National Day of Prayer - The Self-Appointed Master - How to be happy tho unmarried! - Program of the Celebrations - Kuching Amateur Football Association League - Kuching Badminton Association -
FIRST DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports, Notice, Parcel Post Service with United Kingdom, Sarawak Volunteer Force, Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patriotic Fund -
THIRD DIVISION NEWS : - Malaya Patriotic Fund (Third Division) - War Effort Fund (Third Division) - Sarawak Library - Club News - Sarawak Contribution to The China Relief Fund - Sibu Annual Regatta-Unlimited Cash Sweep-Results -
Correspondence : - Spare the Rod and Spoil The Child
FORTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports -
FIFTH DIVISION NEWS : - Divisional Reports - Entertainment Committee for H.M. Forces In Sarawak - Lighting Up Time - Kuching Market Price List -
Issue number 1059 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, November 1, 19411941
Death : - Ricketts
Local And Personal - Council Negri - His Highness the Rajah leaves the State - First Division News - Divisional Reports - Second Division News - Divisional Reports - Third Division News - Divisional Reports - Per-khabaran - Duli Yang Maha Mulia Ber-angkat dari Sarawak - Hari Raya - Per-khabaran dari Bahagian yang Pertama - Per-khabaran dari Bahagian yang Kedua - Perkhabaran dari Bahagian yang Ketiga - Perkhabaran dari Bahagian yang Ke-Empat
Centenary Grand Fancy Bazaar - Selamat 100 Tahun Sarawak - Centenary Celebration Dalam Limbang, 5th Division - Simanggang Centenary Celebrations - Official Opening Of The Sunny Hill School In Kuching - Khabaran Pemancha Ter-Tuang Udara - Sarawak Centenary Celebrations in Miri - Keracian Pasokkan Soldadu di panggong Sylvia - Troops Entertained at The Sylvia Theatre - Duli yang Maha Mulia Tuan Raja menugrahi Bintang-bintang kapada orang-orang lama di dalam perkerjaannya - A Perfectly True Story - Abun - Abun - H.M.S. Jervis Bay - Sarawak Turf Club Race Meeting-Results - Bounty of The Good Earth -
Ali - Ali - St. Joseph School and the recent Lantern Procession - Correspondence - Well Done Sibu! - Correspondence - More Alleged Profiteering - Correspondence-Correction - Hari Raya - Sarawak Volunteer Force - Sarawak Branch (First Division) of the Malaya Patriotic Fund-Accounts - Entertainment Committee for H.M. Forces in Sarawak - Club News - Sarawak War Contributions To-date - Lighting Up Time - Air Raid Precautions-Important - Island Club, Sibu - Mashuarat Negeri - Sarawak Contribution to the China Relief Fund - War Savings Certificates Sold in September - Kuching Market Price List -
Issue number 1060 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, November 15, 19412158
Acknowledgment - Local And Personal - Per-khabaran - Sarawaks War Contributions Todate - Armistice Day - First Division News-Divisional Reports - Second Division News- Divisional Reports - Third Division News- Divisional Reports - Fourth Division News-Divisional Reports - Perkhabaran dari Bahagian Yang Pertama - Perkhabaran Dari Bahagian yang Ke-Dua - Information Office - Perkhabaran dari Bahagian Ketiga - Perkhabaran Dari Bahagian Yang Kaampat - Sarikei - Hari Pendamaian - Honour Conferred Upon Wan Omar Bin Wan Mohamad Pangkat dianugerahi kepada Wan Omar Bin Wan Mohamad - Sarawak Fifty Years Ago - Sarawak Eager To Buy - Letters from Home - The Centenary Co-Ordinating Committee - Notice - Pegawai Kera-eian Seratus Tahun - Sarawak Turf Club - Sylvia Cinemas Contribution To The Centenary Fund Wayang Sylvia memberi pertolongan kepada (Centenary Fund) - Correpondence-Traffic Control In Kuching - Kehilangan Orang Sarawak didalam Kapal Terbang - Club News - Island Club, Sibu - Sarawak Airman Missing - War Savings Certificates Sold In October, 1941 - Sarawak Library - Lighting Up Time - Passive Defence Service-Special Police - Mata-mata Juatan Perlindongan -
Issue number 1061 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, December 1, 19411749
Birth - Abang Tairani
Engagement : - Tsen-Chung
Acknowledgments - Local And Personal - Council Negri - First Division News-Divisional Reports - Fourth Division News-Divisional Reports - Fifth Division News-Divisional Reports - Visit Of one Of H.M.A. Ships - Sarawak Gazette Almanac For 1942 - Sarawak Fifty Years Ago - Kuching Amateur Dramatic Society - Dead Weight - Opening Of New Borneo Company Offices at Binatang - District of Lawas Centenary Celebrations - Sarawak War Fund Effort - Communication with Friends In Enemy Countries, or Territory In The Occupation Of The Enemy - Light Relief - Sarawak Government Travelling Dispensary - Medical Auxiliary Service - Letter from Home - Correspondence-Profiteering - Correspondence-Malaya Patriotic Fund, Sarawak Branch, Third Division - Correspondence-War Organisation Of The British Red Cross Society and Order of St John of Jerusalem - Perkhabaran - Konsil Negeri - Perkhabaran dari Bahagian Pertama - Perkhabaran dari Bahagian Yang Keampat - Perkhabaran dari Bahagian Yang Kelima - Kedatangan Sabuah Kapal Yang Maha Mulia Baginda King Benua Australia - Membuka Office Borneo Company yang Baharu didalam Jejahan Binatang - Keraeian Seratus Tahun Didalam Jejahan Lawas - Penulong Tukang Ubat - Wang pertolongan kepada Peperangan, daripada orang-orang Sarawak - Tentera Laut Melayu - Dunia Berubah2 - Sarawak Branch (First Division) of The Malaya Patriotic Fund - Entertainment committee for H.M. Forces in Sarawak Report od The County Hospital Pembury and Recreation Hut - Sarawak Volunteer Force - Club News - Island Club, Sibu - Lighting Up Time - Sarawak Contribution To The China Relief Fund - Kuching Market Price List