Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Thursday, January 2, 19473096
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Birth:- Digby.
Meeting of the Council Negri - Notes and Comments - Parliament and the Colonies - The Climb to the Summit - Facing Reality - The kelabit Peoples of upland Borneo.
Chinese Consul - General welcomed by Indians - Kuching Agricultural Show - Lessons of the "Flower Section" - This Sarawak - Sidelights on Internment: 5 - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near.
Correspondence:- Gold Mining Supplies. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, February 1, 19472473
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Chinese New Year - Civilisation in Sarawak - Notes and Comments - Sarawak Law and Chinese Custom - N.A. MIDDLEMAS, C.M.G. - The Kelabit Peoples of Upland Borneo.
Obituary:- E.D.L. DANSON - A.L. MCLAINR.
Sidelights on Internment:6 - This Sarawak - That India - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near - Kuching MArket Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, March 1, 19472479
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Roses - The Governors Tour of the Third Division - Notes and Comments - A Postscript: Two Views of Kelabits - Friendship - Inaugural Meeting of Music Society - Tides in the Sarawak River - London Letter - Sidelights on Internment:7 - This Sarawak - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near - Correspondence - From"Adversit":Internment Quarterly - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Tuesday, April 1, 19472644
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Telephonies - Notes and Comments - Land and Custom - The Lawas Muruts - London Letter - British Reward Mission.
Orbituary:- Mr. HA Buey Hon.
Sidelights on Internments:8 - This Sarawak - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near - Correspondence - From"Adversity":Internment Quaterly - Jubilee Recreation Ground Fund - Accounts 1946 - The Sarawak Agricultural Development Board - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Thursday, May 1, 19471780
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Birth:- DAN r.
Perentah Peripatetic - H.R.H.Princess Elizabeths Birthday - Their Excellencies in the Ulu Rejang - The Governor in the Fourth and Fifth Divisions - Notes and Comments - Land and Custom - The Labourer and His Hire - London Letter - Sidelights on Internment:9 - This Sarawak - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near.
Correspondence:- Whats in a Name?
From"Adversity":Internment Quaterly - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, June 2, 19471875
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Acknowledgement - Sarawak Witanagemots - Council Negri - Arms of Sarawak - Notes and Comments - Heroism in the Limbang - Kuching Annual Agricultural Show, 1947 - London Letter - Brief Outline of the Rice Industry - Hollywood and Sarawak - Stamps - This Sarawak - Sidelights on Internment:10 - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near - Correspondence - From"Adversity":Internment Quarterly - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Wednesday, July 2, 19473176
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Birth:- WHALK
Wot, No Cooks! - American Airmen Adriftin the Ulu - Message from His Highness the Rajah to the People of Sarawak - Notes and Comments - Colonial Development Corporation - Census - A Visit to the United Kingdom - The Soldier and the Almanac - The Passing of the"Maymount" - My Wireless - Guides are Jolly People - Stories of Old Sarawak:1 - This Srawak - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near -Correspondence - From"Adversity":Internment Quaterly - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Friday, August 1, 19472531
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Birth:- WAINE
Personal:- ELAM
Men of Letters - The Governor at Grogo - The Governors Sadong Tour - Notes and Comments - This is the Law - In Defence of Pusa - Flannelled Fools and Muddied Oafs - Sarawak Museum Journal - Our Museum - Stories of Old Sarawak:2 - This Sarawak - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near - Address of Colonial Office.
Correspondence:-Sarawak Cotton - Land and Custom - The Soldier and the Almanack - True Democracy - Fined for Diving - A Reply.
From"Adversity":Internment Quarterly - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, September 1, 19473036
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Hari Raya - His Excellency Visits Lubok Antu - The Gover or in Bintulu District - Notes and Comments - Britains Crisis - Chinese Consul - Murder Most Foul - Land and Custom:3 - Indian Muslims Celebrate - Mary Hoover - The Gentle Art of Singing - Sarawak Music Society Concert Sarwak Association - This Sarawak - Stories of Old Sarwak:3 - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near.
Correspondence:- This is the Law - These Experts - S.R.D. - Kelabits and Christians - Communal Entertainment - Incitement of Shylocks - Nubong and all that.
From"Adversity":Internment Quarterly - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Wednesday, October 1, 19473015
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Siekbed Sonnet - His Excellency and the"Black Swan" - His Excellency at Lundu - Notes and Comments - Java in Ferment - A Correction - Officers Wives - Sarawak Argicultural Development Board - The Two Way Job of our Museum - Cocoa and Chocolate in Sarawak - The Bedil Experimental Garden - Taste - This Sarawak - Stories of Old Sarawak:4 - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near.
Correspondence:- Hari Raya - Sarawak Cocoa.
From "Adversity":Internment Quaterly - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, November 1, 19474985
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Birth:- BRUEN
Facts About Nuts - Their Excellencies on the Coast - Notes and Comments - Turtles in Tribulation - Simanggang Agricultural Show - Mr. Poggy and the Slow Thinker Balas - Paper 1950? - Buying Oxtail - This Sarawak - Stories of Old Sarawak:5 - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near.
Correspondence:- Help the Museum - Hari Raya.
From"Adversity":Internment Quarterly - Kuching Market Price List. -
Issue number 73 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, December 1, 19472669
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Birth:- REEVES
Crime in Sarawak - H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth - Their Excellencies at Miri Y.M.A. - Their Excellencies in the North - Notes and Comments - The Muruts - Niah Caves - Mr. Poggy and the Miri Marriage - Aeroplanes - Believes It or Not - Sarawak Gazette Miscellany - This Sarawak - Stories of Old Sarawak:6 - Kuching Agricultural Show, 1947 - Revenue and Expenditure Account - Fifty Years Ago - News from Far and Near.
Correspondence:- Help and Museum - Sarawak Music Society - Claims against Punjabis - Dog Census.
From"Adversity":Internment Quaterly - Kuching Market Price List.