Effective Meetings: Improving Group Decision Making
Effective Meetings: Improving Group Decision Making
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: Call no. : 658.456 TRO
: John E. Tropman
: Salina Zawawi
The book is written in easy comprehended way. It offers practical strategies for running effective meetings by highlighting the processes involved in decision making, and the ways individuals contribute to making better quality decision as a group.
The book has 17 chapters ranging from defining and describing what modern decision group is, to a concluding note on developing a perspective. The material in the book comes largely from the Meeting Masters Research Project at the University of Michigan, which John E. Tropman directly involves in. The book provides effective guidelines for decision making, which then covers topic that include member recruitment, meeting preparation, agenda building and the positions and roles required for effective meeting outcomes. It is a recommendable book to me, as it gives clear, hands-on, and easy-to implement guidelines to readers. The chapter-ending conclusions and exercises in the book help readers to master key concept.