
Access The availability of or the permission to use, retrieve and search records.
Active records
  • Records that regularly used to conduct daily or current business in organization or individual.
  • Also known as current records.
Acquisition Public records received by State Records Repository
Appraisal The process of evaluating records to determine their value and ultimate disposition based upon their administrative, legal, historical and fiscal use; their evidential and informational content; their arrangement and condition; their intrinsic content; and their relationship to other records.
  • The non-current records of an organisation preserved because of their continuing or enduring value.
  • One or more buildings, or portions thereof, where permanent records are located after being accessioned by an archival agency. Also called archival depository or archival repository.
Awareness programs The Records Management Awareness Programs are designed to:
  • Inform all state government departments and agencies of the Records Management Program and their responsibilities to it
  • Give an overview of legislative requirements
  • Inform on the procedures and guidelines for records creation, recordkeeping, transfer and disposal of records and archiving
Conventional records Recorded information of any kind such as papers, correspondence, forms, books, photographs, films, maps, drawings, and other documents which are in physical printed format
Disposal The physical disposal of records of no further value, for example by incineration, shredding or pulping.
Disposal list A standard format document listing records for the authorisation for their destruction
Disposition Range of processes associated with implementing records destruction or transfer decisions which are documented in disposition authorities or other instruments.
Fumigation The process of eliminating insects that can cause the deterioration of records such as silverfish, booklice, termites, beetle and cockroaches by using such chemical gas, vapour and smoke.
Non-active records
  • Records that no longer needed in conducting business.
  • Also known as inactive records.
  • The range of activities associated with maintaining archival materials in useable state, either in their original physical form or in some other useable way.
  • Preservation encompasses a wide range of areas – from storage materials and conditions, to handling issues, to the unique problems associated with the preservation of electronic records. Intensive ‘hands on’ conservation, the function most associated with preservation, is really only a small part of the picture.
Provenance representative Representative from the office of origin, or person or agency that created or collected records in the course of their activities.
Records Information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organisation or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business.
Records centre A building or part of building that designed and build for low cost-storage, maintenance and also use of semi-active records awaiting their disposal.
Records management
  • A field of management that responsible for efficient and systematic control of records from the beginning their life cycle until the disposal process.
  • It also ensures records available, useable and understandable whenever they needed.
Recordkeeping requirements Identified needs for evidence arising from various internal and/or external sources that may be satisfied through appropriate recordkeeping action such as creation, capture, use and maintenance, preservation and access. The sources include legislative and other regulatory sources, industry codes of best practice, broader government interests, external clients or stakeholders and the general public.
Recordkeeping system A manual or automated system in which records are collected, organised, and categorised to facilitate their preservation, retrieval, use and disposition.
Registry A unit in department or agency that responsible in receive, control and maintain current records.
Retention schedule A comprehensive list of records series titles, indicating for each series the length of time it is to be maintained. May include retention in active office areas, inactive storage areas, and when and if such series may be destroyed or formally transferred to another entity such as an archives for historical preservation.
Transfer The process of moving records as part of their scheduled disposition, especially from government departments and agencies to state records repository
Transfer List A standard format transfer list of files used to transfer public records from government departments and agencies to state records repository
Value of records There are two elements in value of records. Their primary value to the organisation (business value) and their secondary value to society, providing a resource for historical research to a wide range of future users (archival value).
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